Guest Article: Cloud Native Disaster Recovery for Stateful Workloads
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The purpose of this document is to introduce a new way of thinking about disaster recovery in a cloud native setting.
To do so, we introduce the concept of Cloud Native Disaster Recovery and which characteristics it should have.
To be able to see how Cloud Native Disaster Recovery is possible, we provide the reader with some high-level understanding of the problems that need to be addressed when designing a disaster recovery strategy for stateful applications in a cloud native setting.
In section one, this document covers some definitions around basic availability and consistency concepts and in section two it explains availability and consistency-related concepts that are intrinsic to every distributed stateful workload and that determine the logical design of these applications. In the third section, it provides an overview of the landscape for consensus protocols needed to coordinate different instances of stateful workload clusters. Finally in the fourth and last section it provides some archetypal disaster recovery strategies for container native stateful workloads.
Register for DevOps Live 2022 to join Raffaele Spazzoli, Senior Principle Architect at RedHat as he discusses Cloud Native Disaster Recovery.